Future Ready
Thanks to a grant from the Oregon Youth Development Division, six Oregon Ys are recruiting, training, certifying, and hiring youth ages 15 - 24 as swim instructors. Future Ready Oregon 2022 is aimed at realizing the full potential of Oregon’s workforce and meeting the needs of Oregon’s employers today and into the future, and advances Oregon’s economic competitiveness and ensures equitable opportunities for a diverse workforce. In particular, Future Ready Oregon 2022 is advancing opportunities for historically underserved communities, including adult learners, dislocated workers, and disconnected youth. Investments emphasize recruitment, retention, and career advancement opportunities, while prioritizing key populations, including people of color, women, communities in poverty, rural communities, veterans, and Oregonians who are incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
The Youth Development Division is making this investment in workforce development programs for youth ages 14-24 who are out of school, unemployed, or reengaging in education through a YDD Reengagement Program. These funds will support training, paid work experience, job placement and coaching, and industry recognized credentials for youth.